The Midlands Conservancies Forum (MCF) began in 2010 to share ideas, knowledge and discuss common challenges.  Working together to support those who faced daunting tasks and offering advice to the newer conservancies.   Learning from one another is a vital component of the new forum, as everyone has different experiences to share.  

MCF is not a formal organisation – merely a collection of Conservancies within this geographical area.

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We are a water scarce country and need to safeguard the lives of future generations by conserving our biodiversity or life support systems.  The uMngeni Vlei in our area, source of the Mngeni River, one of the most important aquatic systems for the economy, supplies around 4 million people with water every day. 

We believe that collaboration, cooperation, community involvement and good communication are needed to achieve meaningful conservation and support committed environmentalists to share their vision of a better, greener, kinder and more sustainable future for their community.   We work to inspire, motivate and challenge our members, partner organisations and other people to conserve our biodiversity - the ecosystems that support our lives.

Judy Bell - past MCF Chairperson